Search Result of "Nattapol Kaewkerd"

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Gay Students as Masseurs in a Gay Spa

ผู้แต่ง:ImgNattapol Kaewkerd, ImgMr.Jatuporn Banchuen, Associate Professor,




ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา สังคมศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Gay Students as Masseurs in a Gay Spa)

ผู้เขียน:ImgNattapol Kaewkerd, Imgนายจตุพร บานชื่น, รองศาสตราจารย์



This qualitative research aimed to study factors leading to the decision of 10 gay students, selected by the snowball technique, to work as masseurs in a gay spa, their lifestyle and attitude towards their occupation, and the suggested solutions to problems. Data from direct observations and in-depth interviews were synthesized and descriptively presented. The research results indicated that the sample consisted of 19–25 year-olds who came from all regions in Thailand, studied in either state or private universities, were gay, bisexual or both with active and passive sexual orientations. Their expenses were mainly covered by their parents. Factors leading to their decision to work as masseurs in a gay spa and also to engage in sex services were economic (money problems, physical capital, and the decision to work as a masseur in gay spa) and social (adolescent development, influence from friends, family, communication, and mass communication). The research results clearly pointed out that the sale of sex services is a social issue that needs cooperation from various parties to achieve a solution. Social control measures, social organization, fair working conditions, and payment should be regulated by the public sector. The ability of gays, their equal rights, and freedom to conduct their livelihood should be accepted by society. Suitable instruction, monitoring, and enhancing the extra-curriculum activities should be provided by the family and the educational institutions. Gay students themselves should carefully choose their friends, live and plan their study well, and should be able to differentiate rights from wrongs in order not to fall into materialistic traps.

Article Info
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Social Sciences), Volume 035, Issue 3, Sep 14 - Dec 14, Page 524 - 535 |  PDF |  Page 



นาย จตุพร บานชื่น, รองศาสตราจารย์

ที่ทำงาน:ภาควิชารัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะสังคมศาสตร์

สาขาที่สนใจ:อาชญาวิทยา , บริหารงานตำรวจ ปัญหาสังคม, บริหารงานยุติธรรม
